Advance Global Study

Guidance to get PR by Social Work or Psychology occupations in Australia

Social Worker or Psychology has become one of the thriving career pathways for International students to embark on. Social Worker/ Psychologist is not only a well-respected job that serves the community but also are one of occupations having a high chance for PR in Australia.

According the Occupation Ceiling Value 2018-19 from the DHA, until the invitation round 11/08/2018:

  • Social Workers was allocated 2,125 places out of which only 53 places have been occupied. Based on this information, there are only 2.4% of the places were taken this year.
  • Psychologists: invitation ceiling is intended to be 2,228 places, though, only 19 invitations were invited, which means approximately only 0.9% of the places were taken in this year.

Therefore, we can see the high potential opportunity to get PR of the occupations. These fields of study are not very popular among students and this information will greatly reduces the skill shortages for these occupations.

Average Salary:
Starting from AUD $50,000 to over 90,000 per annum and above. Wages for Social Worker/ Psychologist vary according to location, qualifications, experience and seniority.


Skill Assessment: to get positive result:

  • Academic: 
    – Accredited Bachelor or Master programs*
    – Oversea qualification might be considered
  • English:
    – Generally, minimum Academic IELTS 7.0 in each band
    – Exemption may apply.



  • NOT as competitive as other occupations, you may receive Migration Invitation at 65 POINTS.

Pathway option:

  • If you have completed any Bachelor Degree, you still can apply for Social Work program: Pre-Master + Master of Social Work (accredited programs)
  •  If you have completed a Bachelor Degree related to Community, Science, Health, you will be able to apply Bachelor/ Master Social Work courses (accredited programs).
  • Change course to complete at least 6 years in Psychology programs in Australia.

  • Are you interested to start a new career?
  • Is it suitable to pursue the occupation with your current background?
  • What are the conditions to apply for PR through these occupations?
  • Are there any options for you?

Send us an inquiry/ booking an appointment with our Migration Agent and Education Advisors to get more detailed information and guidance on selecting the most suitable options depending on your individual’s background.

AGS Migration Agent – Ms. Minh Nguyễn (MARN 1683134)
AGS Office: Suite 1, 353 Chapel Rd, Bankstown 2200
Phone: 0281025348
Mobile: 0430334299 (Viber, WhapsApp, Zalo, Tango)

