Advance Global Study

Why Northern Inland Region of New South Wales should be YOUR CHOICE?

18 Feb 2019, The Northern Inland Region of New South Wales opened and updated their NSW State Nomination 489 occupation list.

Migrating to Australia through the Northern Inland Region of NSW State nomination visa 489 is easier than you might think. With the requirements easily to be qualified, Northern inland region is the TARGETED DESTINATION for international students.

What are the requirements?

  • Full Skill Assessment
  • IELTS: minimum band 6 each skills
  • Work experience: 18 months for Motor Mechanic and 12 months the rest of the eligible occupations
  • Minimum of 65 Point test. (Don’t worried, you already have 10 points from state nomination)

Read moreWhy Northern Inland Region of New South Wales should be YOUR CHOICE?

An emotional successful story from our Fijian client

An Australian Citizen came to AGS Migration Agent – Ms. Minh Nguyen to sponsor her Fijian partner on an offshore partner visa (Subclass 309/100). The couple had been married for 1 year and had a child together so we asked for the partner visa to be processed straight through to the permanent stage (subclass 100). They had substantial evidence to prove their genuine relationship and the application was quite straight forward.

Read moreAn emotional successful story from our Fijian client